

Ontario’s Energy Future (Net Zero)

Barring a technological miracle, Ontario’s $400 billion plan to “decarbonize” its electrical grid will lean heavily on energy storage.

That isn’t bluster or some marketing gimmick. It’s one of the key findings in a December report by the province’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). The authors argue that Ontario is faced by a once-in-a-generation challenge — to double its electrical output over the next 30 years while taking thousands of Megawatts of gas-burning power offline.


The Need for Energy Storage

A review and response to Energy Storage Canada’s 2022 Report. In the fight against global warming, Canadians are reinventing the way we produce, consume and


What is CAES?

Environmental sustainability and rising energy costs are top-of-mind for many Ontarians, and rightfully so. As much as rising costs are an issue, so too is